Rotary in Ukraine

Dodging Bullets to Tell the Story

Building a Living Legacy for Rotary

There are thousands of Rotary stories waiting to be told in Ukraine, Poland and the surrounding countries, and we need your help to tell them.

Beginning in early March, we will be traveling throughout Ukraine and neighboring countries. We will visit Rotary projects, talk with the people and share their stories with the world. The tour will be broadcast live and on-demand through Rotary networks, partner networks and social media.

We have created a two-fold mission, creating a legacy archive to tell Ukrainian and Rotary stories, while training a team of displaced Ukrainians to continue the work. This offers a conduit for immediate, personal storytelling, while creating a source of income for these brave men and women, to support their families. Putting a face on the conflict, while helping those there survive, will require ongoing support.

To do this, we need your help!

You can support us in two ways.

Donate Here On this initial trip we will start setting up the network for displaced Ukrainians to tell their stories, Rotary stories, through words, poems, music and short videos. We will also be putting together a network of trained broadcasters to create professional programs. We are less than halfway in raising money to cover the costs of setting up this initial network. You can help today, with your donation.

Subscribe As a monthly subscriber you will experience stories, poems, music and videos from Ukrainians. Help select the prize winners and choose the stories that will go into the Rotary Legacy Archive. Your subscription also covers the cost of translations, prizes and to support the professional storytellers and their families.

Rotary has done much, but there is so much more work to be done. Join us on this journey of survival and revival, by being part of the solution, then follow us on social media and our web page to see the progress!

Let’s take a trip to Ukraine

What’s it like to live in a war zone for a year? To go through winter without heat and electricity? How has Rotary helped and most important what can we do now?

Your donations help us share these incredible stories.

Join us on this journey as we visit Rotary clubs and projects, refugee camps and orphanages. Soviet era train rides and crowded buses.

Join us at Voices and Stories Ukraine

Broadcast live and on-demand so you can share in the adventure.