In my trip to Ukraine I had the privilege of delivering humanitarian aid from the Rotary Club of Springfield to the Rotary Club Kyiv. It included crank flashlights, that never need batteries, and emergency Mylar Bivvy or sleeping bags. The club will distribute these to the people in Moshchun and Eastern Ukraine.
It turns out the Bivvy bags will not only provide warmth for sleeping but also save lives. One of the problems they have is keeping patients warm as they transfer them from the front to hospitals where they can receive emergency care.
Thank you, your donations truly save lives.
The video includes three YouTube shorts. The Springfield donations, the temporary housing for people in Moshchun and the emergency water treatment, all projects of the Kyiv-City Rotary Club.
Curious what the temporary house is like inside? In our next video series we will take you inside the unit, show you the destroyed village and the hope that comes with a new clinic.