Even if you have never listened to a podcast, for as little as $2.50 you can help us choose what stories to tell and experience them in video on YouTube and other platforms.

When you subscribe you are getting more that just a podcast.
You are getting an experience. An opportunity to support families and to share their dreams, their hopes and appreciation. To build a relationship.
We are training ten displaced Ukrainians in Ukraine to collect stories.
These are narrative stories. A narrative is like a NPR program or a radio show. It uses the sounds, voices and music to capture the emotion.To help you “see”, feel and experience as if you were there.

Experience the sounds, the music, the emotions, the heart.
Not everyone can jump on a plane and fly into a war zone, but we all want to help. And we all want to know who we are helping. To know them by name. To hear their voice. To experience their emotions. These are podcasts by the people that live there.
As you join the upper tiers you are creating a pool of money to support the teams.
Your donations support the podcasts which are broadcast worldwide. But the out takes, bonus videos, exclusive content, extended interviews, instant news are all created by the Field Podcaster especially for you. It is a way for them to generate additional income and for you to be a part of what is going on.